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New Motorcycle Training Regs

Driver Training School - TRAINING FOR THE DRIVER’S SAKE!

Car driving is, for most people, still the passport to personal mobility and despite repeated scares of congestion, pollution and accidents, cars have never been cleaner, safer or, compared to other living costs, cheaper.

At Durston Elms, we offer:
Patient and professional service backed by 20 years experience.
Discounts for block-booked lessons
Classroom and refreshment facilities.
Computer facilities for interactive preparation for the Theory Test.
A large off-road area for pre-road preparation.
Advanced lessons and post-test training.
Pass Plus training courses.  
Car Driving Lessons Taunton
Lindsay is our chief
car instructor
You must:
Apply for a driving licence from DVLA, Swansea enclosing a completed application form with the appropriate fee, and two photographs. The licence will be a ID type licence resembling a credit card.

Once a provisional licence is held, a driver can practice on a public road, displaying ‘L’ plates and accompanied by someone who has held a licence for 3 years and is over 21. Most drivers will start with a qualified driving instructor in a suitably adapted vehicle; learning on a public road can be stressful!!
There is no mystery about passing a test; enough driving experience, and adequate preparation in test procedures will, nerves allowing, give you a good chance of passing first time. On average a driver will need one and a half hours for each year of age, but be sensible…learning takes time; intensive courses sound attractive, but seldom work for novice drivers.

Before a practical test can be applied for, a driver must pass a theory test; a multi-choice touch screen test which is not difficult but which will catch out the complacent. Passing needs preparation.

Apply for a practical test; a 40 minute drive accompanied by a driving examiner who will be looking for an overall competence to drive in a variety of road situations. The manoeuvres covered during the test could include: turn in the road, parking in a parking space or an emergency stop. Do listen to the advice of your driving instructor. Most driving schools are busy establishments, and it is in everyone’s interest that a test is attempted only when there is a very good chance of passing.

Once a full driving licence is obtained, consider one or more of the post-test training schemes available; Pass Plus, the tests of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, or the private schemes your driving school might offer for motorway lessons, night driving or bad 3weather driving. Many of these could lower your insurance premiums, and always remember

To obtain a full licence is straightforward, but does need work and dedication.

Car Driving Lesson Prices:
Hourly Rate: £22.00
Block of ten lessons: £210.00
   © 2013 Durston Elms Garage
   Motorcycle Training in Taunton, Somerset. Tel: 01823 412 335

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