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New Motorcycle Training Regs

So what's new at Durston Elms?

This has got to be one of the most picturesque training sites in the country, with a pair of kestrels nesting nearby, sheep living next door, a resident hare, a commanding view of the Somerset Levels, with Glastonbury Tor dramatically visible in the distance. A good place to view the all too regular floods during the winter months.

The showroom has its 'educational' status, so we can legally use it to ask highway code questions of our CBT candidates. A classroom , but a classroom with a difference! Here's a quote from a local magazine reviewing our site.

" ... the purpose-built training area would be heaven for any ornithologist, and the classroom set aside for drivers and rider training more resembles a biker's cafe from the 1960's, with it's original jukebox, features, pin-ups from motorcycling's past, a smattering of BSA's and Triumphs gracing the area. Learning in such an environment is not only enjoyable and completely lacking in stress, but also very effective - a planned attempt to capture the hearts and minds of new and existing riders ... "

Somerset Advanced Motorcyclists (SAM) regularly use Durston Elms Garage as a venue for meetings and also as a starting point for ride outs.

Not just a training site then, but a place to meet, relax, swap biking yarns and generally pass the time of day with other motorcycling types. Virtually a cafe ... or even a virtual cafe!

The Elms Cafe, a virtual or real place to meet and catch up with the latest law changes, events, or local gossip.

Bikers of Somerset

Come and meet the locals ... 

   © 2013 Durston Elms Garage
   Motorcycle Training in Taunton, Somerset. Tel: 01823 412 335

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